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Q&As ECA Members Area
There are various ways for becoming member: either you attend any of the ECA courses or conferences. With that attendance you automatically gain a 2-year membership. Or you sign up for a 1-year or 3-years individual membership. These memberships are based on the calendar year and thus end on 31 December of the respective year.
Another way to join as member is the ECA Group Rate. With this rate you and all your colleagues in the country become member and also benefit from the ECA membership advantages. As the individual memberships the Group Rate is also based on the calendar year and also depends on the number of employees of your company in your country. To get more detailed information, please contact
You automatically gain the 2-years membership with every course/conference marked with ECA (the training must be a 2-days course/conference at least).
The members’ area is the platform providing exclusive information for ECA members. For instance, there you can find the online version of the Guideline Manager in two versions: one sorted by GMP topics and the other sorted by the issuing authority. You will further find comparisons of old and new Guideline versions, directly showing you what has changed. In addition, there are documentations and top lectures from past ECA courses and conferences[WH1] , results from surveys ECA conducts every once in a while as well as individual articles from IPQ Journal[WH2] . All the guidance documents developed by the ECA’s Interest and Working Groups.
On the ECA website you will find the Members’ Area at the symbol left to the magnifier icon in the navigation menu. If you already set up your personal login you can simply go to and enter your personal username and password to log in. When you are member due to your participation in an ECA training or conference or you bought the 1-year/3-year individual membership and log in the first time you will first need to go to to set up your personal login. Please see “How do I set up my personal login” for further instructions how to do that. If you want to sign up through your company’s Group Rate, please see question “How do I get access when my company signed up for a group rate?”
After attending any course or conference marked with ECA (at least a 2-day course/conference) you can go to to set up your personal login. Please see Question “How do I set up my personal login?” for instructions how to do that.
If you already set up your personal login and just misplaced/lost your username or password, please see question “How can I get my personal login when I misplaced/lost it?”.
Why do I need to set up a personal login?
The login provided in your course/conference folder and in the post-event mail is just a default login that is valid for the two years of your membership (from the date of your participation in an ECA course or conference). That’s the way we ensure that attendees of courses/conferences from years ago cannot access the area forever. If you did not use your default login during this period to set up your personal login you will not get access to the members’ area any more. Therefore you should login and complete your registration soon after you attended the course – even if you do not access it for a longer time thereafter.
The login provided in your course/conference folder and in the post-event mail is just a default login that is valid for the two years of your membership (from the date of your participation in an ECA course or conference). That’s the way we ensure that attendees of courses/conferences from years ago cannot access the area forever. If you did not use your default login during this period to set up your personal login you will not get access to the members’ area any more. Therefore you should login and complete your registration soon after you attended the course – even if you do not access it for a longer time thereafter.
When you are member due to your participation in an ECA training or conference or you bought the 1-year/3-years individual membership and log in the first time you will first need to go to to set up your personal login. On the site you will need to enter your e-mail address to generate your username and password. Once you provided this information you’ll receive an e-mail to this address with a confirmation link which you need to click on to activate your membership. Please note, though, that sometimes this e-mail ends up in the "junk" or "spam" mail folder. In that case you'll need to drag this mail to your inbox and click on the link. By clicking the confirmation link you will get back to the ECA login site for the members area. Only then your registration is complete and you will be recognised as member.
Sometimes the confirmation link for completing your personal login ends up in the "junk" or "spam" mail folder. In that case you'll need to drag this mail to your inbox and click on the link. Only then your registration is complete and you will be recognised as member. If you did not receive the mail at all, please contact your IT department to find out whether mails from ECA are possibly blocked. Otherwise contact us at You may also want to try to use another e-mail address – please note, though, that this e-mail address needs to be entered in our database as well in order to be recognized as member.
If you already set up your personal login but misplaced or lost your password, you can have it sent to your e-mail address. For that purpose simply use the link Please be aware, though, that your login will be sent to the address you registered with. If your e-mail address changed since then you will need to re-register again with your new e-mail address (Please see question “How do I set up my personal account” for further instructions). If you also forgot your username, please send a mail to
If you gained your membership with attending a course/conference you can take advantage of the membership benefits the following two years. Please note, though, that your membership starts with the last day of your course/conference and ends two years from then. However, we grant access to the ECA website’s members’ area until the end of that year (this does not include eligibility for rebates!)
Please check whether you used the correct login. If you already set up your personal login and do not get access please use the link to have your password sent to your e-mail address. Please be aware, though, that your login will be sent to the address you registered with. If your e-mail address changed since then you will need to register again with your new e-mail address (Please see question “How do I set up my personal account” for further instructions). If you forgot your username, please send an e-mail to
You can only access the members’ area if your site is located in the country in which your company signed up for a group rate. For example, if your company signed up for a group rate in Belgium, employees of all sites in Belgium automatically become ECA members and can log in. Company staff in other countries cannot benefit from the rate.
When you or your colleagues log in the first time via the ECA Group Rate, we need to ask you to first get registered in our database. To do that, please enter your company name, the country you are located in and the city/site as well as your first and last name and e-mail address at After you have submitted the form, you will receive a message when your entry in our database is complete and a link to the site where you can set up your personal login as member. Please see “How do I set up my personal login” for further instructions.
In that case you will need to re-register for the members area. Please see question “How do I set up my personal login” for further instructions.
If you are member due to a group rate, yes. However, if your new company has a group rate (in the country your site is located in) you automatically become member again.
If you are an individual member then your membership will not be affected by a company change.
You have a question that is not answered here? Then please send an e-mail to Mr Wolfgang Heimes at