European QP Association forms Expert Panels

After the first five successful years of its existence, the European Qualified Person Association (EQPA) decided to develop a new structure and to integrate more colleagues into its Board activities to cope with the increasing requirements to comment new European legislation or to proactively influence regulatory activities influencing the QP's role and responsibilities.

Following an invitation published on the EQPA's website in March 2011, colleagues volunteered to become members of a new to be formed Expert Panel, intended to be involved in the daily work of the Advisory Board, like preparing comments to the EU Commission on new guidelines, participating in meetings with authorities, writing Good Practice Documents etc.

In a first step, these colleagues will work on three hot topics to be covered by the European QP Association. These activities are performed by the groups with dedicated mentors:

  • Develop a statement for the public consultation on the revised guideline on good distribution practice of medicinal products for human use
  • Work on a concept paper with proposed topics which should be covered in a revision of Annex 16 and follow any new developments in the revision process
  • File a proposal (reflection paper) about the QP involvement in supply chain security

As a result of these activities the European QP Association expects to be more efficient and to evolve new - younger - Board members for the future.

Fore more infromation on the European QP Association please visit

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