How to find the key to Ph. Eur. Monographs?

As of the 10th Edition of the Ph. Eur., revised and / or corrected parts of texts are indicated by vertical lines, and horizontal lines indicate where parts of texts have been deleted (print version). In addition, a 2D- Code is included at the start of each text, providing a link to further information.

In Ph. Eur. Supplement 10.1 there is now an example monograph included (monograph carbimazole) to show more in detail which information is included, like for example:

  • Version date of the text,
  • Text reference number,
  • 2D-Code which links to further information on the text (e.g. Knowledge database) for smartphones / tablets with camera and code reader app,
  • When modifications have to be taken into account (i.e. for corrected texts: as soon as possible and not later than the end of the month following the month of publication of Supplement),
  • Explanations and references to Ph. Eur. Reagents, General Notices and General Chapters.

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