Meet the AQCG Board Members at PharmaLab 2024

The PharmaLab Congress, the event for all pharmaceutical laboratory sectors, will take place for the 12th time this year. We invite you to join us from 25-27 November 2024 in Düsseldorf/Neuss. Tickets include access to the social event on 26 November, which offers an opportunity to connect with the speakers and colleagues from other companies in a relaxed atmosphere.

To find out more about the programme, please visit the PharmaLab 2024 website.

Two-Day Track on AIQSV

This year, the program includes a new track on Analytical Instrument Qualification and System Validation (AIQSV). Participants will receive an overview of the regulatory requirements for qualifying analytical equipment and validating the software of computerized systems. The key requirements of USP General Chapter <1058> will be discussed, along with selected aspects of the new ECA Guide for an Integrated Lifecycle Approach to Analytical Instrument Qualification and System Validation.

The board members of the ECA AQCG will be part of the speaker team, and the track will be moderated by Dr Christopher Burgess (Chairman of the AQCG Board).


The new Guide for an Integrated Lifecycle Approach to Analytical Instrument Qualification and System Validation was written by Dr Christopher Burgess and Dr Bob McDowall (Members of the AQCG Board and of the ECA IT Compliance Interest Group).

The ECA has decided to publish the Guide widely by allowing users to download the document free of charge. The PDF file is available in the AQCG members' area. For further information and to apply for a free membership, please visit the group's website.

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