GMP News - Herbal Medicinal Products (incl. Cannabis)

Australia Amended its Cannabis Regulation regarding GMP Requirements

Australia´s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which regulates Medicinal Cannabis in Australia, has put out its latest Compilation regarding the production and import regulations (TGO 93). As of July 2023, all imported medicinal cannabis products released for supply in Australia will have to present evidence to be produced under GMP.


ANVISA authorizes National Scientific Research with Cannabis

The agency now authorizes national scientific research with cannabis-derived products. The authorization granted will allow to conduct pre-clinical research to evaluate the efficacy and safety of cannabinoids in the management of signs and symptoms associated with neurological and psychiatric disorders.


Warning Letters for Companies selling CBD containing Food and Beverages

The U.S. FDA warns five companies for illegally selling food and beverage products containing cannabidiol (CBD). According to the agency, the use of CBD raises safety concerns, especially with long-term use.


How does the MHRA approve Manufacturing Authorizations for Cannabis Products?

An increasing number of companies with no previous GMP experience are entering the pharmaceutical sector to cultivate, process and manufacture medical cannabis products. Therefore, the MHRA recently posted how the required licences are granted by the agency.


Ph. Eur. Cannabis Monograph Proposed for Comment

The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) published the long-awaited draft of the Cannabis flower monograph in Pharmeuropa with a comment period until 31 December 2022. Once finalized and adopted it is expected that the Ph. Eur. monograph will replace the currently existing national monographs.


Revised Ph. Eur. Chapter on Foreign Matter

The final version of Ph. Eur. 2.8.2 Foreign Matter in herbal drugs has been published in Ph. Eur. 11.1. The revised chapter clarifies that the quantitative limits for foreign matter only apply to foreign organs and foreign elements; other foreign elements should, as far as possible, be absent.


USP publishes proposed Cannabis Monograph

A proposed monograph for Cannabis Species Inflorescence has been published in the USP Herbal Medicines Compendium (HMC). It is open for public comments for 90 days.


Examples of Analytical Method Implementation

Following the recently introduced new Ph. Eur. chapter 5.26 Implementation of pharmacopoeial procedures, the EDQM published some examples to provide users with practical guidance. How can the critical factors potentially affecting the analytical procedure performance be identified?


ANVISA´s Q&A on Medical Cannabis for Clinical Investigations

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency, ANVISA, published answers to questions received during a webinar on clinical research with medicinal Cannabis held in May this year. One of the important questions addressed is: How can batch reproducibility be demonstrated?


HMPC´s Update on Medical Cannabis

The EMA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) published the minutes for the HMPC meeting held in May 2022. The Meeting Protocol contains several interesting developments regarding Cannabis. Will it be possible for regulatory submissions to use the well-established medicinal use pathway in the EU?


New Ph. Eur. Chapter on Implementation of Pharmacopoeial Procedures

Ph. Eur. 11.0 has been published in July 2022. Amongst others, the 11th Edition contains the previously announced new general chapter 5.26. Implementation of Pharmacopoeial Procedures providing a 2-step approach.


New Edition of the Technical Guide for the Elaboration of Ph. Eur. Monographs

The European Pharmacopoeia Commission published the 8th edition of the Technical Guide for the Elaboration of Monographs. The guide helps when drafting monographs and transferring analytical methods into a compendial procedure. The previous version of the guide dated back to 2015.


Extended Input Deadline for USP´s new Chapter on Quality Considerations for Cannabis

Following the previously announced elaboration of a new USP chapter <1568> Quality Considerations for Cannabis and Cannabis-derived Products for Clinical Research the input deadline has been extended.


Swissmedic´s New Website for Herbal Medicinal Products

The Swissmedic website for authorization of herbal medicinal products (HMPs) has been completely revised and updated. It provides information on simplified authorization procedures for HMPs, e.g. for "HMPs with known active substance".


FDA Warning Letters for CBD Products used in Farm Animals

The FDA posted several Warning Letters to companies illegally selling cannabidiol products intended for use in food-producing animals due to safety concerns. The agency is taking these steps to protect animals and the safety of the food supply chain.
