The GDP Discussion Forum

The European GDP Association (GDPA), representing more than 4.000 professionals from across the globe, offers a Discussion Forum free of charge for its members. The Discussion Forum gives you the opportunity to address your GDP-related questions to a large audience.

GDP Association - Background

A GDP task force was formed in 2011, to review and comment on the draft EU GDP Guidelines. The team consisted of 32 volunteer members from various companies. In 2013 the task force completed its work and the ECA’s GDP Work Group was formed. The group’s first objective was to develop an Implementation Guideline for the new EU GDP. This was published in 2018.

In August 2016, the European GDP Group was reorganised to become the European GDP Association. It is the goal of the Association to represent Responsible Persons for GDP, Logistic Managers and other individuals involved in a secure pharma supply chain.

Today, the European GDP Association represents more than 4.000 members from 75+ countries.

The GDP Discussion Forum

If you want to ask a question, you can click on "NEW CONTRIBUTION". Then a window will open where you can enter your inquiry. When you have sent off the contribution, your question will appear a little later in the Discussion Forum where other visitors can answer it. The GDP Forum lives from your participation. If you are a GDP expert and know the answer to a question, we would be very happy if you'd share it with us. If you can help just click the question and write and send off an answer. If you wish to be notified about new contributions or changes, you can subscribe to notifications.

The GDP Discussion Forum is accessible free of charge in the member's area of the European GDP Association.

If you are not a member yet, you can apply for membership using the application form. Membership is available at no cost. Once you are signed in, the Discussion Forum will be available for you.

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