Change Control - New Aspects and Best Practices

6/7 October 2020, Vienna, Austria

Course No. 17560



Dr. Martin Melzer

Dr. Martin Melzer


Aidan Madden

Aidan Madden


Dr Rainer Gnibl

Dr Rainer Gnibl

GMP Inspector


During this course, you will learn all relevant aspects to implement and/ or improve your Change Control System fulfilling regulatory and GMP requirements. You will get to know the whole process from initiation over implementation to regulatory submissions. You will also have the possibility to work on practical examples.


Change Control systems should be an integral part of the quality management system (QMS) of each company. Their task and aim is to ensure that all announced or requested changes are carefully checked and completely documented and authorised.

Before starting implementing the change, questions need to be answered like:
  •  How is the change classified?
  •  Is it a variation or a change?
  •  Who needs to be informed?
  •  What are the regulatory consequences?
A sound Change Control system is used to manage changes of all types. The Change Control process is necessary to prevent inappropriate changes from occurring. All GMP-relevant changes should only be made with a complete review and approval of a quality function and any other department that might be impacted by the Change.

Only if all functions involved in the process are working together and know what needs to be considered, the Change Control process will run smoothly and fast enough to benefit from the change.

It is of high importance to know all relevant aspects of the whole Change Control process and the consequences a change might have.
Particularly noteworthy is the adoption of the new ICH Q12 Guideline “Technical and Regulatory Considerations for Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle Management”, which was finalised in Singapore by the ICH Q12 Working Group in November 2019. This guideline aims to promote innovation and continual improvement, and strengthen quality assurance and reliable supply of product, including proactive planning of global supply chain adjustments

Target Group

This course is designed for all personnel involved in the Change Control process at their company and for decision makers who want to improve the existing systems. It is addressed to persons from Manufacturing, Quality Control and Quality Assurance but also from Regulatory Affairs.

List of examples:

As a delegate you will get a comprehensive list of examples for Variations.


Change Control - Inspectors Expectations for GMP Compliance
  • Essentials for SOP on Change Control
  • Internal & external Changes
  • PQS Interfaces
  • EU requirements
  • Change in Quality-Culture?
How to handle Changes in US
  • 21 CFR 314.70
  •  Changes to an approved NDA and ANDA
  •  Examples (PAS, CBE, AR)
  •  Annual Report
  •  Comparability Protocol (US) vs. Change Management Protocol (EU)
Change Control Management; General Points to Consider: How to manage it, who‘s involved and when does it apply
  •  Identification and classification of changes
  •  Risk and impact analysis of changes
  •  Change control as management tool
  •  Management of changes with suppliers and contractors
Interactive Session: How to implement a comprehensible Change Control System in your Company
  • EU Variation Procedure
  • Change Control Handbook
  • SOPs
  • Change Control Protocol
  • Forms
with practical advice how to implement and use them

What’s a Change and how to proceed
  •  Technical changes: Change Control or not
  •  How to deal with software updates
  •  Risk Analysis in Change Control
  •  Classification of Changes
  •  How to document changes
Change Control in the context of Product Lifecycle Management:
  •  Product Development Strategies and Change Control
  •  Post Approval Change Management/ Comparability Protocols / Established Conditions (ECs)
  •  ICH Q 12 Product Lifecycle Management
Interactive exercises to examine and evaluate some real examples of various changes:
  • Manufacturing process
  • Cleaning process
  • Analytical process
  • Microbiological testing
  • IMPD
  • Manufacturer’s Authorisation


This course is part of the GMP Certification Programme "ECA Certified Quality Assurance Manager" Learn more

ECA-Member*: € 1590,-
Non ECA Member*: € 1790,-
EU/GMP Inspectorates*: € 895,-
APIC Member Discount*: € 1690,-

(All prices excl. VAT). Important notes on sales tax.

* also payable by credit card
American Express Visa Mastercard

Further dates on-site
Further dates on-site
Not available
Further dates online
Further dates online
Not available

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us:
Tel.: +49 6221 8444-0

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Albert Godoy Hernández, Company synaffix
Live Online Training - GMP Auditor Practice, October 2024

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Regina Mommaerts, Galapagos NV
Live Online Training - GMP Auditor Practice, October 2024

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Roopasi Mathi, Wacker Biotech B.V.
Live Online Training - GMP Auditor Practice, October 2024

"Very good balance between general and detailed information"

Dr Ralf Albrecht, Tillotts Pharma AG
Live Online Training - Granulation & Tableting
September 2024

"Nice presentations: easy understanding, quite visual"

Susana Manrique, Boehringer Ingelheim España, S.A,
Live Online Training - Granulation & Tableting, September 2024

“Fantastic course – I really enjoyed the interactive structure & greatly appreciate social activity.”

Anthony Cummins, Sebela Pharmaceuticals, Ireland
GMP Auditor Practice, September 2023


“Very well organized, information on point without being overwhelming.”

Eleni Kallinikou, Pharmathen
Live Online Trainng - Pharmaceutical Contracts - Febuary 2024


“Good overview of different types of agreements, good to see both the GMP and the legal angle”

Ann Michiels, Johnson&Johnson
Live Online Trainng - Pharmaceutical Contracts, Febuary 2024



“Well prepared presentations and good presenters. I also like the way of asking questions.”

Alexandra Weidler, Hookipa Biotech GmbH, Austria
Live Online Training – QP Education Course Module A, November 2023