Leveraging Supplier Testing
- Test script development
- Test script execution
- Test script review and approval
Programme Computerised System Validation Master Class - 4-6 June 2025
Introduction – Gain Understanding of Delegate Experience and Background
Workshop 1: What the Delegates expect
- Capturing delegates expectations
- Sharing and reducing to key points
- Facilitated discussion
Project Life Cycle
- Life cycle refresh
- Life cycle activities and deliverable by Agile approaches
Interactive Session: Good Validation Practices
- IT and System Governance
- CSV roles and responsibilities
- Role of Quality Unit
Presentation of the Project Mandate
- Presentation of the case study application
- Project Mandate
Workshop 2: Elaborating URS
- Outlining and drafting URS for the case study application
- Debriefing and plenum discussion
URS (User Requirement Specification): Structure and Content
- URS: Purpose and objectives; Roles & responsibilities
- URS structure
- Prioritizing user requirements
- URS: how much is enough?
Workshop 3: Elaborating URS
- Elaboration of a consolidated URS draft for the case study application
- Debriefing
Introduction to Qualification Planning
- Qualification Planning refresh
- Q-Plan Purpose and objectives
- Roles & responsibilities
- Topics to be covered
Workshop 4: Elaborating a Qualifcation / Validation Plan
- Filling out a High Level and System Risk Assessment for the case study application
- Outlining & drafting a Qualification Plan for the case study application
- Debriefing
Qualification / Validation Plan: Structure and Content
- Q-Plan structure
- Q-Plan scalability
- Qualification/Validation strategy
Introduction to Functional Specifications
- FS refresh
- Purpose and objectives
- Roles & responsibilities
- Recommendation regarding the elaboration of FS
Workshop 5: Elaborating Functional Specifications
- Outlining FS for the case study application
- Drafting some functionalities
- Debriefing
Risk Management Refresh: Scalability and Objectives
- Risk management refresh: purpose and objectives; process; roles & responsibilities; scalability
- Risk Management traps to avoid
Workshop 6: Performing Functional Risk Assessment
- Performing a functional risk assessment for functionalities of the case study application
- Debriefing
Migration and supporting Activities
- Risk mitigation measures: Purpose and objectives; roles & responsibilities; scheduling and scalability; risk mitigation: more than testing
- Supporting activities: What supporting processes
Introduction to Design Review
- Design Review: Purpose and objectives; Roles & responsibilities
- Design Review more than Design Qualification
Workshop 7: Design Review Planning
- Planning and elaborating a design review strategy for the case study application
- Debriefing
Practical Approach to Design Review
- Design review process: points to consider
- Design review scalability
- Recommendation
Source Code Review
- Source code Review: Purpose and objectives; Roles & responsibilities
- What should be reviewed; how to review document
Interactive Session: Good Validation Practices
- IT and System Governance
- CSV roles and responsibilities
- Role of Quality Unit
Testing and Verification: Objectives and Content
- Testing and verification: Purpose and objectives; roles & responsibilities
- Efficient Testing
Workshop 8: Elaborating OQ / FT Test Cases
- Outlining OQ/FT and PQ/FT for the case study application
- Drafting some functional test cases
- Drafting some performance test cases
- Debriefing
Alternative & Agile Approaches
- Alternative software development models
- Agility objectives
- Needs for flexible engineering methodologies
- Practical approaches and recommendations
Integration Project vs bespoke Development
- Roles & responsibilities, life cycle for: Integration projects; development projects
- What to leverage and how to leverage?
Workshop 9: Elaborating a Qualification / Validation Report
- Outlining & drafting a Qualification Report for the case study application
- Debriefing
Qualification / Validation Report: Objectives and Content
- Qualification/Validation report:
- Purpose and objectives
- Roles & responsibilities
- Report structure
- Recommendation
Bringing Legacy Systems into Compliance
- Objectives
- What shall be done?
- Recommendation
System Classification – A record-based Approach
- Needs for a system classification
- Classification criteria
- How-to classify a Systems?
Today / Future IT Compliance Challenges
- Open Source Software validation
- Challenge demands Infrastructure platforms for applications
- Global systems validation vs local defence
- Paperless recipe-based production – ISA 95 / S 88
- Cloud Computing – Data Integrity
- Validating Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Challenges for data integrity on Lab-Systems